
FREE APT SuDoku Helper
the free APT SuDoku Helper to help solve SuDoku's or verify your solved
SuDoku is correct.
What is a SuDoku?
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Corporate Information
Automated Programming
Technologies, Inc. is based in Howell, Michigan and was founded in 1982.
APT is a software developer specializing in networking and file distribution
solutions for a variety of different platforms. APT is dedicated to
providing the very best of software quality and support for its corporate and
governmental customers.
- Beyond
FTP, providing automated file distribution and collection over the Internet or a corporate Intranet.
- Worldwide through APT's direct sales force
and an international network of
dealers. The APT product line is distributed in the U.S. by APT's direct
sales force and a network of value added resellers.
- If you are interested in becoming a dealer
or value added reseller for APT products please contact Mark F. Blumenau at
810-225-0588 or via e-mail at .
Company Contacts
- Click here for company
Press Contact
- Mark Blumenau, Director of Marketing
Phone: 810-225-0588
- International Sales:
+01 810-225-0588
APT is an active member of the Microsoft Solution Provider