Beyond FTP Feature Tour
Beyond FTP Script
Editor - Workspace
to Feature Tour
The Scripts tab provides access to the list of
scripts currently stored in the Scripts sub-directory. Double-clicking a
script will open the source file for editing. You may also open a context
sensitive menu with a right click.
The Templates tab provides access to the list of templates currently
stored in the Scripts sub-directory. Templates are similar to scripts,
except that they contain directives for capturing command information. When
a template is inserted into the script, these directives allow the user to
tailor the commands for the particular application. The right click menu
includes the choice for inserting the template.
The Compiled tab provides access to the list of compiled scripts, or
distributions, currently stored in the primary Beyond FTP directory. You can
verify the last date a script was compiled.
The Scheduled tab provides access to the pending
queue of currently scheduled scripts.
to Feature Tour